Pero supongamos que sí lo hubiese hecho. ¿Qué se habría encontrado? Como nunca he navegado en Noruega, no me queda más remedio que apoyarme en el derrotero EnRoute Norway (pdf - 10 MB).
Siento decir que MapTech no dispone de cartas náuticas detalladas de la zona en su web, por lo que lo más cómodo ha sido situar los lugares citados en el derrotero en un Google Maps.
Para empezar cito literalmente el párrafo llamado Approach to Bergen from North (pg.71).
Fedjeosen (60°44'N., 4°44'E.) is the principal N approach to Bergen. It affords direct access from sea into the channels of Indreleia, which continue S to Bergen for about 30 miles. It is about 1 mile wide between the island of Fedje and the islets to the S.
On the S side of the channel, Bolleflesi, a rock lying on foul ground which breaks, is located about 1 mile NW of Nordoyni. A racon is situated at the lighted beacon standing on the rock. A light is shown from the NW end of Nordoy.
On the N side of the channel, Ostre Hellisoy is situated close to the SW side of Fedje. A prominent light tower, 3m high, stands on the island. A racon is situated at the light tower.
In addition to the above, at night, the lights at Onglesundet (60°43'N., 4°52'E.) and Vardholmen (60°46'N., 4°52'E.) may be of aid to navigation in the channel.
Hakeskallen, a 14m patch, lies about 1 mile NW of Bolleflesi and reduces the navigable width of the channel to about 1 mile. Other dangers S and W of Hakeskallen may best be seen on the chart.
Vessels from the N proceeding to Bergen can pass through the length of Hjeltefjorden and then through the SW reach of Byfjorden, the channels of which lead W and S of Askoy. An alternative route leads from the N part of Hjeltefjorden into Herdlefjorden, through that fjord, and then through the N reach of Byfjorden. These two routes are the ones generally used.
Ya iré enriqueciendo esta entrada.
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No tiene nada que ver: en una entrada de la amiga bowprite, se ilustra, inmejorablemente, los 6 grados de libertad más importantes para los navegantes: Heaving, Swaying, Surging, Pitching, Yawing y Rolling. Nada que añadir :-)
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